. >> sanford levinson, what about the magna carta system that the british have? does that work better to have, basically, an unseen, unwritten constitution? >> well, that's a very, very important question. i have come to believe that there are means by which if you win the election, you can tell because the party that takes over, the coalition that takes over can really do things. and, of course, this raises the whole specter maybe they're going to move too quickly, maybe they're going to be too abrupt, maybe they're going to pass bad legislation. but there is a sense of elections really counting. and it's certainly difficult to look at the united kingdom and say that they have had a noticeably worse system than we have based on whatever criteria you wish. one of the things that i advocate in the book that i published most recently, a book called "our undemocratic constitution" as i allude to in the afterword, is i would like to see a new constitutional convention. and my fantasy is that it would last two years and that the people at the convention -- and i assum