were magna charta still summarizes as freedom under the law.i don't think you can put it more uniquely than that, freedom under the law. that is our civilizations raise export, our supreme contribution to the happiness of mankind. and that was the dream that inspired us to carry liberty to less happier continents. how did we do it? how did it come about? extraordinarily bridling of the government, it will is not the normal condition of humanity. we've had 10,000 years, and that has come to lunch with slavery and oppression in almost every page and nation except in one civilization. it didn't take long. once the revolution it up and it didn't take long for people to work out that growing your own crop laboriously was not the best cost-benefit way of feeding yourself. it was much better to steal somebody else's. did you get a game to do it that was more efficient still but the most efficient thing of all was to institutionalize through tolls and taxes, and that was the birth of government. you look at these militias and some basic hellholes calli