>> over here we have the first home video game, which is called the magnavox odyssey, and over here wee one of the first arcade video games, which was called "computer space." >> this original version of "pong" might not be as interactive as, say, wii is today, but it was groundbreaking for its time. of course, we saved the favorite exhibit for last. and what's the number-one exhibit teens shouldn't miss when they visit the museum? >> well, it comes in a few parts. so, if we come over here, we can take a look at these images by a photographer named eadweard muybridge, and he was somebody who took individual still pictures but saw if you move them, you ended up seeing a moving image, and this was the beginning of people thinking about how to take these still pictures and eventually turning them into movies. so, one great example over here is a flipbook. so, if you want to take a seat... >> yeah. >> so, you have these pictures here, and if you see, do they move? >> no. >> but if i move through them really quickly, you see... >> that's so cool! >> ...a little moving image. yeah. so, if yo