because you have really, you have really helped magny fie my story. -- magnify my story. [applause] thank you. i'm an example of a woman who has been given a second chance in life. there are so many others who deserve the same second chance. and so i'm grateful for plat forms like this, for events like this today that magnify that need because somehow, when you see a face, when you see another --' soot -- when you see another human being like me who has been separated from their family almost 22 years, that changes things, that changes hearts. god bless you and god bless america. [applause] president trump: thank you, alice. when you said -- alice said i want to also thank the media, i sort of bent over and said are you sure? and i do too. i think it's fantastic. hat's great. a couple of people -- van jones, please stand up. [applause] he goes after me on occasion but he came together with us, we all agree, this is very strong, you worked very hard, along with ivanka, please stand up. ivanka. [applause] and charlie kirk stand up real schlapp, stanched up real fast. that's