and then of course the rivers flow to work to see you so it's one of the kind of transport and magnus magnusson plastic pollution and that's why we would really like to stop it there a memory of elaine's is behind us start up the great bubble barrier and it's in a for to technology here's how it works a chub is laid across the bed of the waterway air is pumped out of poles along it the bubbles drive trash in the water to the surface towards the bank and into a receptacles. tests have shown that on average 86 percent of trash in the water can be collected in this way. the garbage that ends up in the container is removed 3 times a week. for now only one bubble barrier has been installed in amsterdam it's a pilot project but the potential both in the city and world white this enormous. you have multiple sectors that have interest in this for example you can imagine the companies that have a benefit of tourists coming by they want beaches that are clean they want riverside's that are clean they want to have terraces where you can see all nicely and on the moment you install such such a system. and