magnus wennman: i have a son my own. he's six years old. i put him to bed every night, so i know how important it is for him to feel safe, especially when he goes to sleep. it's a special moment, it's an intimate moment that i think most people can relate to. >> wennman works for the newspaper aftenbladet in stockholm. he wanted to find a way to bring home to his audience the kind of life child refugees are forced to live. he took photos in syria and in locations around europe for his project, entitled "where the children sleep." magnus wennman: they truly are the most innocent victims of this war. they have absolutely nothing to do with it. i want people to see this. i want people to know the stories of these children. >> last autumn, hungary suddenly erected a barbed-wire fence along the border to serbia, closing off the balkan route to the european union for refugees. these people arrived just a few hours too late. sham and his mother fell asleep right by the fence. this photo of lamar in a serbian forest won a world press photo award. n