senator warren magnusson once said, all any business wants from government is a reasonable advantage over competition. [laughter] i talked to two insurance company executives. they came to lobby me against requirements to make derivatives trading more transparent and put it in markets. one of them pointed out, if you do that and we have a deal, we have to publish our price, somebody can come in and undersell us. his older colleagues said, that is not our position. but it was. we did only one thing, which we banned, giving residential mortgages to people who could not possibly pay them back. i believe the mortgage thing -- that when we plug. -- that one we plugged. the other great risky area we did it was substantive rules requiring derivative trading to be moved from almost all one-on-one into a more marketplace situation. one of the people would've been -- one of the heroes of the implementation was gary gensler , who did a very good job of it. i think in those two areas we did some substantive things. we don't regulate institution so much as activity. even though the activity is mo