prime minister mahdi good day it's great to have one answer to the so you can at the helm of the country for three years now almost to the crowd is there something that has disappointed in the three years. yes it has been three years. there has been a lot of talk about this date in my country as well. now as far is the economy is concerned all of the world's credit rating agencies rate. quite high. throughout the three years we have been working to make our dreams come true. people appreciate this. because in a democratic country if you have support of the people this means your policy is right and you are doing the right thing. you need. our slogan is becomes the. together with all of our development for all month. because from the global point of view india achieved a lot by english three years in the world expects a lot from india. and india does its best to justify these expectations so you can say that these three years were years of satisfaction and happiness. they still in our experience in these three years we expect that we will make even better progress in the next two years of