vedic ceremony was held with the bodies of five martyrs of lashkar fatemiyoun in mahdiyeh, mashhad, and the bodies of these martyrs were dissected to razavi shrine. these martyrs were buried in behesht rezai, mashhad, next to their fellow martyrs. zahra is my hand and damand is my hand and damand. bada ba ceremony the body of martyr seyyed isa ali, one of the commanders of the fatemiyoun army, was also held in the ascension of shahadai in tehran. the body of this martyr will be buried on friday, 20th of bahman, from imam khomeini's mausoleum in the tishee plain and in the flower garden of the martyrs of araboieh. these mujahidin defenders of the shrine were martyred in the us attack on deir al-zour, syria, a few days ago. they loved that his mother came to the region and said that i should be at the front . they were in love with their family. it is our responsibility if we told him dad, my dear, stay here for a while, next to the children, next to the family, they say, cousin . there is another kind of love and interest and poetry. i got used to staying there as my friends, my comrades