fall, the easily approved paid sick leave, and maher walsh signed an ordinance, allowing for up to sixks of -- maher signed anhe mayor organ allowing for up to six weeks of leave. but that is not a new story here in massachusetts. you are ahead of the curve. there two centuries ago, was the nation's first union of working women. lead theboston helped way to an eight-hour workday. generation by generation from the textile workers to the hotel workers up today. women, like men and all of you in this commonwealth, stood up for working families. true in is massachusetts is true across the country. you recognize we are stronger together than apart. when we are together, we carry each other up to height we cannot reach alone, and that is what we honor on labor day, and whenever i am with yukon on the -- when i am with you, i am optimistic about america. with two billiard terms ex-president, i know working together, we are point to build a better future for ourselves, our kids, and for working families all across the country. i have seen it. you have seen it, and now we have to make it a real