frances did a good job of mentioning mahieu who says we get through it, but it's slow.sanship. and in closing, i would just say i think you have to be realistic that we are in aÑi long budget war. this has been going on for a period and social security went bankrupt in 1983 and had to be saved. medicare went bankrupt in the late 1990's and we threw general revenues at it. we were bankrupt and threw general revenues at it. we're in it because of the recession and the boomers and it's more intense than ever, so the game's afoot. my feeling is we go through a variety of the options but the default option if we don't get a presidential program coming around in early 2010 that gives us a strategy for the future and something along the level of commission that has teeth, we're going to default toñr partisan politics, and i would see that as a long, tough fight. >> lee, just one thing before we move on. i appreciate your historical perspective and accept the fact when jefferson ran againstñr hamilton, the partisan strike may have been worse and certainly during the civil war a