in other news, former iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad, writing president obama, asking president obama to return another $2 billion of frozen assets, mahmoud ahmadinejad responding to an april ruling by u.s. supreme court that said money can could used to compensate victims of 1983 bombing of a marine corps barrack in. mahmoud ahmadinejad is looking for a possible run in iran's president at elections next year. >> joining me now, kt mcfarland, let's start with the activity by the russian military. how big -- how concerned are you in. >> oh, i think that the russians are up to something, putin likes the olympics in 2008 high invaded georgia, and after sochi olympics he took crimea, he is looking for a crise, to capitalize on, whether in baltics or balkans or crimea or ukraine. i think that something is cooking. he will do what a lot other country will do, the chinese and iranians. they are going to grab what they can, while we have a what they see is a weak lame duck president. lou: or just a fool, i mean, really, mahmoud ahmadinejad asking for $2 billion of money that is supposed