so when you think about this -- and i put this slide for mahmoud khan, but he's not here. he and i are good friends. i put down prevention is important. of and the bottom of the slide is neutral genomics. it's already happening. that is, you given to say what drug do you take, can you measure your response to a diet, can you look at genetic profile to decide the what diet would be most useful for you. i want to illustrate three diseases where these things are being applied and then get to, in fact, the whole issue of data and artificial intelligence. so heart disease, cancer and aging. in heart disease there's a whole slew of new drugs, new imaging and new ways in which of approaching. but importantly, i want to point out the following: the devices. there's an amazing set of devices which are already deployed in the operating room and in clinics and also remotely. the hybrid operating room -- how many people have heard of hybrid operating room? probably nobody. so hybrid operating room is the ability which you can image the patient on the o.r. at the same time doing surger