maimon not only understands kant, he also shows the pit of ignorance.. let me remind you of the berlin-based teacher markus hertz, who would have been a student of kant and well-known assabist. hertz hіba pacіsnuў plyachy. "i think it's crazy i swear , only kant himself created it." and if that is not the advertorial list of the hell of an unknown person, spam, the doctor gives my recommendation: spadar maimon is from hell in the earth, which i understand you. kant on the sheets of the amal i don’t agree with this at all разам адгукнуўся, прычым на крытыку зусім не пакрыўдзіўся, пахвала Канта тут жа зрабіла Саламона папулярна. Нават дзіўна, як у яго хапала часу, каб нешта пісаць. Тым не менш, збор твораў Маймона налічвае 10 тамоў. Адзін з іх - аўтабіяграфія. Дзякуючы ёй , kant, mindelssohn, fichte, this was given to the great neman, the beetle baroque, the world, this belarusian meat, for several reasons the young people were conceived, being chosen as a philosopher. we do not tell dry historical facts, we immerse ourselves in an era that is growing wit