clearly defined economic methods in her campaign, but she needs that, she needs to convince mainstreet americaorate america, independent voters and young people, wow, this'll be exciting. clinton will make the economy great. john: i talked to some key architects of bill clinton's agenda after we did a segment on how the clinton campaign did not have new ideas, or anything, but all three of them agreed with me. two of them are fans of hers and one of them of sanders, but all three of them said it was right, she has not been together the policies or the connective tissue, nor the rhetorical gloss on an agenda for the future of the american economy, where people are frustrated, anxiety ridden, staggering wages, all of that, she did not have it yet. if she can get it, she can probably put donald trump away, given the advantages that she has, but this is a missing piece. if she can do it, it will distract people from some of the weaknesses, but as a performer and on the trustworthiness issues. she needs that message. mark: can she simultaneously do something she has never done which is hard, have t