maisha umar has been ahlaam's girlfriend for to years. r the sake of both himself and his girlfriend, ahlaam needs to learn his trait quickly. that night, ahlaam is back out fishing. one of his senior workers is fixing a tip to the end of his rod. ahlaam is going to try a longer rod. >> the boat arrives after fishing daybreak and ahlaam takes position with his new rod. the captain immediately lands a large fish. other crew members follow suit the captain seems worried about ahlaam's new rod. he can't even get a bite. the basic technique is to move the rod up and down when you can't get a bite. preoccupied with his longer rod, ahlaam has forgotten the basics. the up and down movement of the rod jerks the fishhook, prompting the bonito to bite. after some time, ahlaam makes his first catch of the day. the captain catches another fish. they seem to have spotted a large school of bonito. the fish are biting instantly. they toss the bait into the water. we don't know whether the captain noticed ahlaam's longer rod, but ahlaam's has definitely t