good to have you here, majid. and president executive director of iipc, thank you for your partnership. we really appreciate it. as well as usaid. i would also like to acknowledge the chair of the embassy. and finally, the special guests, members of the african diplomatic corps and ministers of african agencies, department of state international development, department of defense, usip, member of the african program advisory council and the wilson center at large. thank you for being here today. we welcome his eminence, the sultan of sokoto, and welcome to all of you. and i am pleased to turn it over to one of my colleagues, the outstanding director of the wilson center's africa program and i'm proud to call my colleague. >> thank you, doctor, i appreciate that warm introduction. good afternoon, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. i want to join andrew in welcoming you all to the wilson center for today's special conversation with the sultan of sokoto on peace and development initiatives, challenges in and