majid stiri.s novel is actually a biographical novel of one of the martyrs of fatemiyoun named abdul basir jafari and this martyr is very special . and it is landing, i think that anyone who wants to go to him is better than this caravan. it may have a catch, but in short i can say that this is it the martyr is called kher fatemiyoun, because in fact , as the title of my novel suggests , he returns from a veil and reaches the rank of martyrdom, and the last book i want to talk about is the novel kanaana , written by mr. alighi . . the plot of the story is very funny and i myself was impressed every time i read it. martyr seyyed ali zanjani was born to an iranian father and a syrian mother, and now we see the ups and downs of their lives in this story, and finally he will be martyred in syria. thank you very much. well, these are the four titles of the novel that you gave me you mentioned that they will be unveiled today. let's go to the fact that the frontline publications of his mission and the a