enough people on both sides of the aisle to do something when it comes to what happened in majorry stoneman douglas. the idea of doing nothing is not acceptable. it's not acceptable to me. it's not acceptable to others potentially across the aisle. but, if we give in to the usual special interests and usual partisanship that takes place not just in washington, d.c. but in tallahassee, as well. it's possible we could leave with nothing. that's not acceptable to me. let me be clear to all 120 other legislators i serve with. there is a letter of resignation that you can write at any point in time if you don't want to be part of the process. it's a one page, put your name on it, sign it and get out of way. because we must do something for these students. >> harris: you know, you speak so strongly about that. we have had this happen in our not too distant history. things like it, las vegas comes to mind with hundreds of people who were shot at. and many school shootings, too. so i hear the emotion and the passion in your voice. and actually from both sides of the aisle. there is no denying that we don't