paul's cathedral in makal, was the largest christian cathedral in aziz, and together with college ofrst western-style university in the area. true, later, when the jesuits were expelled from here , the barracks were located in the college building in 1835 . during a terrible fire, almost the entire complex burned down from it, only one facade remained. the cathedral is very colorful with bas-reliefs, unusual for european architecture, ships, dragons and other mythological creatures, all this clearly indicates that this is still asia, this facade, from which a wide staircase of 66 steps descends, one of the main symbols of the city of macau is his calling card. you'll be da camões the great portuguese poet of the 16th century. his main creation is the lusiad, an epic poem about his native history and expedition. vasco da gama there he sings of the heroism of his people and decided to fleet equipped with hearts brave call to look for oxen, sea climates, alien and shores, strangers, to whom the ens plowed the oxen, the sea is forced in the status of a contract soldier and as a political