of the home and condemned any disrespect and neglect of the hijab until the end in the women of makan bandh between the value of these women . not just me mother for defending the privacy of chastity and hijab along with girls wearing hijab is not a limitation. our own security is oppressed by the enemy's planning to attack the family and authenticity of iranians . iranian islamic, defending the privacy of the family for my daughter is important to me for another daughter hazrat fatemeh zahra of isfahan is proud of the memorial that the self-choice of friendship and love to be together and respect was something that children, teenagers and adults today see the memorial of hazrat zahra my smile is trembling at the time, i wanted to say that as long as you are alive, keep the tent on your head, sneeze, hijab and choose the best cover to have a society with peace and authenticity , they said that the main accused of kian pirana's martyrdom, who was sentenced to death according to the verdict of the revolutionary court of izeh city , the death sentence is this. the work has been presented accor