makehen also to be able to people feel they are moving onto the next big thing.nk those are attributes you would want to see in any executive regardless of how much they to their own warm -- toot their own horn. >> does he have the charisma he needs for a job like this? >> it is a good question. i don't know him other than my interactions with him early on in my career from 95 to 99 in microsoft. i don't know him personally that pastand in the most recent , if you look at his performance he isesentation on stage, the kind of person who can engender quite a lot of confidence, someone who can identify and articulate new opportunities in a way many different teams can rally behind. it is the kind of charisma you need to have an someone who will lead microsoft to the next level. >> do you think he has what it takes to make difficult decisions, whatever they may be? hard to tell. many decisions are made without a book disclosure in terms of how they were ultimately made and who is involved in the decision. my experience has been he evaluates data that leads to a decis