tiers thi point, before makingr opening statements, i would liky have. >> thank you, mr. chairman. n't this particular moment other welcome again all the members on what is going to be alogoing to- a big debate today. and if the this committee is an indication, i think we will be pois in a way clear and draw contrasts but do so in a civil way. why don't we get on with business? >> absolutely. for 2013 s good. budget to be here with my house budget committee colleagues and i'm proud of all the work they have put into this. people ran for congress to save this country from a debt crisis. to save it for their children and grandchildren. and the member of this committee have been tire unless their advoes of that end. i also want to thank my colleagues on the other side of the hollen and his staff for their cooperation and preparation for today. throughout this process, you have shown a commitment to mutual respect and openness in keep this committee. i want to thank you for that, chris. one year ago, we camemmittee toe the fy 2012 house passed budget. t the time, i called it just a pro