makoto mentioned that he's into martial arts. >> you could join the army. think about it, with us you could become the number one in karate. maybe you could even reach world class. that's quite possible. >> anything to win a new recruit. sociologist fumika sato has investigated the personnel shortages faced by the self-defense forces. japan's falling birth rate is a huge problem. the lower ranks have seen personnel numbers drop 20 percent. at the same time, national defense is increasingly in focus. >> the security situation has changed. the self-defense forces now have a new job description. in future, people in the services will face a higher personal risk. many people used to just see the self-defense forces as a stable job. these days, that wouldn't necessarily be the right career choice if that's what you're looking for. we're at a turning point. militarily, japan has indeed turned a corner. while the constitution still renounces the state's right to go to war, many politicians are speaking a different language. the government is now partnering with ot