. >> senator makowsky do you have additional questions? >> i do have a whole bunch of additional questions, in the interest of time, and recognizing that the secretary has given us a great zeal of time this morning, i will submit them in writing. it's my understanding that last year, after a similar budget hearing, took almost six months to get some responses to our questions, and by that time, of course, they're steal, i understand you have an awful lot on your plate, but if i could ask that we have more prompt replies, i'm going to have the pleasure of having you before the appropriations committee tomorrow, we'll be able to spare you some of the written responses in those questions tomorrow. but if we could have a little more expediency with the responses, i would appreciate it. thank you for being here today. >> we will do our best. >> mr. secretary you've been very generous with your time, as senator makowsky said we appreciate continuing to work with you. that will end our hearing. >>> up next a discussion on how states can encourage