commissioner makras? >> no questions. i'll be supporting it. >> vice president adams. >> commissioner woo ho said you heard about the debate heated debate. this is a prepreliminary of what's happening tonight in south carolina at the presidential debate. no, i'm good. i support it. >> thank you. david, thank you for the presentation. i don't think much has changed since the last presentation. but i just want to say how excited i am about this project. and the fact that it has almost a billion dollars in community benefits. i think that's phenomenal. so i, too, will support this. >> yes. >> all in favor? >> aye. >> any opposed? resolution 2012 has been approved. >> item number, new business. >> new business. we will be scheduling an informational to go over the capital budget of last year and our achievements, as well as open projects for discussion. is there any other new business? >> is there any other new business? any public comment on new business? >> motion to adjourn, madam president? >> all in favor? >> aye. >> we