we got maksim magazine, cable news networks, hollywood movies, also the formula for attracting youngmales, car crashes and embarrassing bodily fluids and exposed female body parts. one of the most successful guide cable channels is called spike. it came on the air in 2003 with reruns of star trek and the original show called dÉtente in which contestants try to detect the differences and two identical pictures of nearly naked women. i would try to find an image to show you but i would have gotten kicked out of the harvard class. the third reason for the child-man, we have got the two that i mentioned so far -- the third reason for the child-man is female independence. the young man reaches the age where in any other period of history he would be defining himself as potential husband and father with the understanding that he has a clear and important social role. today, provide her husband and's are optional with reproductive technology have women so choose they can simply buy and forget about the man who delivered it. in while, young men have seen fathers and uncles discarded by wives