about how an attacker breaks into a network, they need a foot hold which is often done through mal malware. but then also identify indicators of that type of behavior. >> is it your impression that it's likely to be isil in this case? and how does this particular attack compare with say, the one on the pentagon systems? >> so it's very difficult to have accurate attribute at abuse attribution across the network. it could also be another attacker that has no affiliation or anything to gain from saying it's isil apart from the notoriety of raising the profile from a media perspective. >>> south africa's cape town university has removed a controversial statute. many say it was a symbol of white privilege. >>reporter: an unceremonious end to cecil rhodes in cape town after a vote on the removal. most of these students were born after the fall of apartheid. >> the university is trying to protect itself and its funding or are they really not interested in integrating and transforming and decolonizing. it's a conversation about decolonization. >>reporter: it provoked a counterdemonstration. elsew