. >> now we'll call up miss mala malala. >> as you consider my reappointment i would like to share my qualifications. i'm born and raised in san francisco and been a pediatrician for 10 years and always worked in safety net clinics with marginalized communities. i'm a public health practitioner and work at the department of public health addressing racial disparities and birth outcomes. i don't know if an enthusiast, that's most useful when i have been providing training across san francisco unified and on racial equity. and i'm a mother of two children here in san francisco. i have been on the commission for two years and during this time i'm able to bring my skill and importance and knowledge to the work. as one of the commissioners that provides direct services to the very children that first five seeks to support i think that my perspective is unique and valuable. in the coming years first five has important decisions to negotiate and i hope to continue to raise the issues of race equity during these discussions. and i hope to represent the experiences of marginalized families her