І festival at maladzechne ўzhta shmatlik this month for sapraudnyh sustrech old syabrў i navat thereival that sennya gascіnna vіtae creative syabrў. good evening, well done, holidays, thousands of faces of pedestrians, grayness will be multiplied by a hundred, wet asphalt. the distant snow is falling, it’s as if time has stood still, for one minute i saw the past again in a dream, the memory cuts in waves, again everything is as before, and somehow my mother will forget to go home, only those who play with me won’t let me go, they scream at the light, they won’t let me go. wait a minute to leave, old friends, our green courtyard, summer linden light, i can’t live without you, like clean air, i need you. friends, what to say when we meet, again about something eternal, which has already been forgotten, everything was too long ago, so much water has floated away, but there is one thing that cannot be changed. friends stood up, our green courtyard, summer linden light, old friends, i want to remember everything, only you are not around, old friends, fate has dashingly asked us around th