so there is a strange, awkward -- she is a local malaysian who is indeterminate race, some kind of malan, chinese and other stuff who is in a love relationship with william holden. struggle, a very gentle, low-key love triangle between this british girl who is the author of the high commissioner and for william holden's affections. it's marginal. >> in the real world, what nationality? >> she was french. but one of the striking themes that her character, with many protesthnic chinese, the policies of the british commissioner and this whole army of bicycles come to the british high commissioner's home. the reason why this is a big deal is because that have a japanese came down malaysian peninsula toward singapore when they were invading. one historian has called the bicycle blitzkrieg. there are moments in this film, i have some affection for it because i've watched it several times its overall not that good a home, but there are fantastic moments like that or i was like, look at these bicycles! there's no doubt this is about something-something. the impression that we are all going to ru