did not want this heroism, they simply felt, they underwent a certain defeats, especially such as malanyuk, well, there is also a third type, such ideological works, as there, say, honchar's standard-bearers, where these are victorious works, but we now understand that this is all a complete lie. in us, everyone who fights understands very well why he does it, we do not have a war of conquest, and on the other hand, we will not be defeated this time, i think we are all united in this realization, and therefore it will be some other literature, new literature, i think, that’s why it’s very different, and here for... how it will be published, well, it’s quite risky, not difficult, thank you, i can’t help but ask about reading as such, so we wrote and now we will show the graphics from of the ukrainian book institute, which conducted such and such a sociological study, how does the reading of ukrainians change, to what extent do they read more or less during the war, and look how interesting it is that... the number of ukrainians who read increased from 2020, so to 23 year, from 8% in the 20t