and malaprop's has it on sale for 999 back to. and he said, you know what you need to make moonshine, you need two things. uniquely water and hard wood to fire up the steel. -- stove. eagle creek used to be famous for its moonshine. no, don't tell anybody that. gun toting hillbillies shooting. that's a we are told in eagle creek. eagle creek was considered the most dangerous place in america. it's worse than the cheyenne. it's a place where you risk your lives and can't go in there. in the people who can go into eagle creek where the client. the trend tide to come in one time and they were completely routed out. they would hang up those pointy hats of the clan. the backwoodsman who took on the client. but moonshine was an indicator of the environmental cleanliness of the water and forest. not simply to drink. when i first mining surveyor came into the coal creek in the 1850s he was son of the great robert owen, created the new harmony in indiana. is one of the great geologist we had in the midwest. he came and eagle creek and said