spoken word poet malcolm halcrombe was one of those students--excited to meet the legendary activist.colm halcrombe/spoken word poet):"having john carlos come here and tell me what he went through back in the late 60's is very similar to what i'm going through right now. so having him speak was very opening and very grounding for me." the bronze-medalist says san jose state prepared them for what took place in mexico city. (john carlos/human rights activist):"we established the olympic project for human rights right here on the campus of san jose state, not too far from where you see the statues today." carlos has a new book encouraging activism. the book explains the hardships he faced after mexico city. but he says...it was all worth it. (john carlos/human rights activist):"for me...i'll never denounce what i did to say it wasn't worth it. i would do it again today if it was necessary."" joinging us now is dr. harry edwards, a human rights activist and a former san jose state professor. tommie smith was in your classes here at san jose state...so how much of an influence were you on