kind of average farmer argues farmer vladimir krapivka and on such a scale in his fields from the malevichidistrict. and now the storehouses also have everything potatoes , cabbage, fry, beets, onions, this has never happened before, so i could say something skillful. the weather really threw some surprises. so early vegetables with such and such a spring to count. it is worth lamenting. a potato farmer definitely does not wait in june, which means that last year's harvest will still fit. here it sorts late potatoes and storage allows you to extend the sales period for another month in the neighborhood of cabbage who want to buy now a dime a dozen, but the contract, as you know, is more expensive than money. we do not sell and hold for our potential buyers, who constantly work under contracts themselves, so as not to set them up. here until july 5th. to all our consumers from canteens and shops. that's bases. i think, cabbage, a clear contractual system is enough for every farmer's dream, so that the trade once promised to buy out all the volumes of vegetables and fruits with official, of c