jack maley. i was one of the individuals who was involved in the writing of the predecessor to the afca-41 document. it was a document written for the seismic rehabilitation of existing buildings, not for the design of new buildings. it doesn't give new building performance, but it has been accepted in this project, and i think that is ok. we have heard there is no magic form ra, and there is not. there are certain things checked in every review that i have been involved with. you check that the dampening is right. you check that the model represents reinforced concrete. and then it is fundamental to check that the forces that come out of the computer program that they are less than the capacities of the components to resist them. it was admitted that those forces were never checked. i think they have been checked since then and new analysis have been run, and that is all great, but others haven't had a chance to look at those things. the changes to the sills we have heard tonight are great, but