let's look into the stables of count malivour and take a walk through the houses of the gnome.ise never to give you even the slightest reason to repentance, i, i will obey you in everything, just don’t deprive me, don’t deprive me of the only joy from now on, to see you alone, at least, well, at least every other day, at least twice a week, today is the last time. never say the last time, it’s not for us to decide which time is the last and which is not. “give me your word, give me your word that you will never look for me in the village, or ask about me, give me your word, not to look for other dates with me, except for those that i myself make, i swear on holy friday, i don’t need oaths, your one promise is enough!” well, i have to go. already, uh-huh, but i don’t know how long i’ll be in our area for how long, i’m asking my father for military service, but he won’t let me in, they don’t favor the current military, i’m in the civil service i don’t see the point, but who do you want to fight with, hussars, hussars? all the windy people say, who told you this, isn’t it your you