movie playing himself. >> malkovich, malkovich. ♪ malkovich, malkovich >> it's one of those movies that'sabsurdity upon another. but it somehow all co-heres into this crazy and beautiful film. >> i want you to do me a favor. >> yeah, sure. >> i want you to hit me as hard as you can. >> what? >> i want you to hit me as hard as you can. >> sometimes a piece of material finds a filmmaker who is uniquely possessed of the chops to do it right. "fight club," it's hard to imagine anybody who had a better dna than him for that film. >> the first rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. the second rule of fight club is you do not talk about fight club. >> we were doing the kind of film we'd all hoped to do. >> trust me, everything's going to be fine. >> i thought "fight club" could be one of those things that becomes a marker for the way we felt at a certain time. it connected right where we wanted it to connect, and it's still growing, and that's exciting. for me, that's the highest aspiration. ♪ >> in the nooirn90s you get the trends and moments that are going to carry on for the