doctor malloy refers to it and so does adam langford, they referred to the mass fetishes. i do think the ease and availability of these is a significant, major factor to this but so too is our culture that has come to embrace grievance and victimhood and a quest for fame above all else. so too is that isolation that we just discussed and at the same time our hyperconnectedness. of those three factors, as difficult as it is because of our cultural division, our grievance, our fetishizing of weapons, because of our history of celebrating violence, the easiest of the three to address is probably the access to weapons, and we haven't the will to do even that. >> host: we have another question from leighton. the same part which you address in your book, how do you balance the public's intense desire to know about the events of the shooting, i will insert this part, and their perpetrators, not giving narcissists the satisfaction of amplifying their name and their mode, the balance. >> guest: first of all if you want to know how to do it well, sibley look at one of the things you