government standard bathroom malodor. burnt hair. she had people smell them and rate them, were they pleasant, unpleasant, did you find this odor frightening, edible, wearable? it was very hard to find a smell that all around the world somebody would say, you know, find it universally horrible. something like 3% of caucasians find the smell of vomit wearable. [laughter] so the one -- [laughter] the one that won out, that was feared and hated all over the world was u.s. government standard bathroom malodor, and this was a compound developed in world war ii for testing latrine deyoald risers. they had to have a standard compound that really smelled rank, that smells like large, open-air, hot day, 300 men. that smell. so that was the starting point but only the starting point because if, to have an e e --ffectivemalodora, this t, it's scary. all the more reason for you to clear the room. so now here's the diabolical part. if you're designing a malodorant, it has a top note which is the first thing that you get when you take a little sni