. >> we have malu peeples. [ applause ] >> and our nominee could not be here today so representing her is her daughter. >> hopefully i hope that your mother was doing well. her mother is in korea right now. >> so the next category is in the area of community impact and these finalists organizations and we have this diverse amazing community that we live in with so many organizations that do so much to try and bridge the gap and support our young apa and not so young apa performing artist who can't seem to sometimes break through into the main stream. but also not break through our own cultural groups. in our own, we are such a diverse community as claudine had said, i can't think to name how many ethnicity and cultures and countries are in the apa community. so these particular organizations have done a fantastic job of trying to bridge these cultural gaps and support the artist. so those organizations are asian american theater company, are they here? >> is someone from asian? hi. >> that is pearl, and i end up in her junk mail a lot and so we have to fix our e-mail for that. >> we ha