mamallanic penguins dig their stst burro in n the ound.. egeggs and raisese their youngn. but ththe birds' verery survivs influenced by human activity risi seaea temratureres have chchanged marinene food chainsn. for ththe penguins, , it means hunting longnger for food d - h in turn meanans leaving ththeir young alone for longer . and creaeasingheir vulnlnerability toto seagullsd other prpredators. [baby pengnguins chirpining] southern rockhopper pengnsns aremong t the scies hahaest hit c climate changng. they e eat very smalall kindsf prey such as larvae, which a themlveses mossuscepepble to chchges in the tempeturere o the water. so the penguins derive less enenergy fm ththeir food. that has a long-term impact on the populaon. [bird group p sounds ] >> andreaea rey and herer teae installingng an automatic monitoring system for the they've fitted some of the birds wiwith a specialal chip. a a sensor recorords their movt inin order to trtrack generl actityty acrosthe e colo. nguins do look rather helpssss - on nd, , at lst. but they're exex