so far neither her son nor mamiya have received any psychological support. it's not true in my opinion and in my experience this time it's healing scars and strong that time is just the long walk for you in this way that after a while you accept. yourself and your bad experience. you weren't doing. what it says it. was. writing his own songs and making music with friends helps mamiya to banish painful memories. because he was. for several years together with other musicians and friends more man trying to turns represented so back into a lively and livable town. that was. 70000 people lived in srebrenica before the war the town was also a tourist attraction now it only has around 10000 inhabitants even today the impact of the war is on the present. moment i helped to develop this youth center over 12 years for which he organized funding from holland and germany. the aim was for music to provide reconciliation and peace. but the project faint. now down it's empty you know people are not coming and you have just their memorial center and hauled down it is it's