it contains nearl 90% of the sumatran orangutan pulationit'crically portant r the suival of rge mamls, not st in sumra but aoss asias well elephts prefelowland rest habit. that's the prime bitat. tt's so the hitat or theand th'sost in demandor agrictural pntationsr for loing concesons as wl. the expaion of pm oil plantaons certnly has en a key coributor elephan foreshabitat ss. tha's without doubt. >> the future of this mountain elephant is bleak. it's a really difficult situation. as long as there's a demand for oil palm there's going to be a demand to clear lowland rainforest in sumatra. >> the distinct and unie sumatran elephant is now considered critically endangered, meaning that it's in imminentanger of extinction. >> you know, when you don't have governments, when you don't have enforcent, and you got the chance to make piles of money, guess what's gonna hpen. right, and we're seeing that play out. from a pure economic standpoint, you've got to sort look at all the political actors. the palm oil is generating revenue for the government in terms of export taxes on palm oil, in t