we'd like to know from you, w tention at guantanamo the right treatmt for mammed jawad or not? how should t united states dealith teror suspects arsted when they are still children you can let us know by gong to the "how you see it"ection on our website a worldcus.org. we'll rert back on what you said tomorrow. >>> well last night, we asked you another qstion about afghanistan abou dpening amican involvement and whether the united stes should send in evenore troops to battlthe taliban as t security situatiothere deteriorates. had a robust response wi a good deal of divisn on the issue. here's how some of you saw it. one viewer told us. "history'shown that afghan wars are long, ptracted and rare decive. the.s. should notaste huma resources infghanistan. therare other ways the u.s. can support mocracy in afghistan withoutending troops -- intligence, frastructure aid, humanitaria aid and political support. save ourroops for when they are really needed." but another viewer wrote, "i the comnders are sayinthat more troops are required, would achie stability in afghanisn, then we nee