our staff speaks several languages including can toe knees, man da raoen and spanish, two of the investigators are bi lingual speakers and that is important because the largest number of our non-english interviews are conducted in spanish. for languages other than the ones that i previously mentioned, we will obtain the interpretation services, last year we conducted 14 intakes in spanish, and five intakes in can toe knees, one in russian and one in american sign language. we have a website, which is www.sfgov.org/occ. and if any of you would like additional information on the occ, this evening, in your investigation dennis max um is in the back of the room there and we also have brochures available on the table. and that concludes my remarks. thank you. >> thank you very much director hicks. any questions for director hicks from the commission. >> just want to tell you a little bit about the medation and it is a real helpful process. when the people interact with the police the officer use the person's voice as the first level of force, they need to protect themselves. they don't understand w