my name is joe, i'm the events managerpn at p&t knitwear and welcoming nicole here for her newestst book movement and howad here to read the q&a and talk with nicole. movement has been called and the pedestriannf infrastructure and not just for the city and politicians and planners everywhere and going for christian and our trans socialist and going to be the research business that shows up the underbelly of the new york politics and there's a commitment and the short side of interest and the long view by rachel weinberger and director of research and chair of the transportation at the regional plan and association. i want to open with an open ended question and why transportation policy, how you got interested in this, why you chose this book to write at this time. >> transportation touches on all of our lives and encompasses all those other issues that you just talked about. the activism involves not only in defeating the highway era and taking some street space back from the automobile in favor of pedestrians andpe bicyclists and other usessers and how is this done and applies to othe