back in the 50s, you pinned your girlfriend, and it was sort of like a preparation for manche. -- for marriage. there was rituals about it, going on dates, and that's all washed away, and so now it's collective, more group going out, more of a hook up culture and the phrase "hook up" is incredibly vague. some think it involves commitment and maybe the commitment thinks it involves no commitment. it's the court rules of the 50s, 60s, and 70s have eroded away. there's a young woman from northern mississippi and came to the northeast, and she described the pattern at her high school where it was friday night was date night. people paired out, drove, saw a movie, get a meal, and she described her friends at school, and they looked at her like she was from mars. they had never done anything like that. i had a literature professor tell me something interesting in the 19th century novels they were reading, they -- at the end of the novel, they get married and go away from the family and friends, at the students couldn't understand that because their relationship with the friends, much more i