healarpremiums even higher, it will becommore and more unaffordab foramerican families to cy th the manda. repealing ts mandate will directlyenef millio o americans anupholdhe freedo upon which this nation founded. it h the addedenefit of ting the need for the i.r.s. to hire thousds of additional employees, possibly as my as many as 16,000,ust to enforce w health ce law. theecently enacted health re law is bad for workers, bad for employers and bad fo america. cleay we need toepeal and replace this lawit commonsee reformthat will actually lower health care osts and l americans keep the plan they have in life. and t me remind my colleagues quote from tn resiiandidate rack obama. and i quo, mande means that in me fashion evebody will be forceto buy hlth insurance, b i believe the oblem is nothafolks are trying to avoidetting health care, the problems they can't afford it. this health care law ineas premiums by $2,0 for mins of american families and ruis them to buy this vernment-aroved insurance i urge my cleagues tand th the american oplend vote for thmotion to i yield ck t balance omy tim