mandalin had three children, two daughters one son.y inheritance, everything goes to the son, but after the death of his father, he will not be able to pay off the debts that he had in the bank, and he has to mortgage the family estate to pay off the debt. then the palace will be acquired by various people, but... they will not live here, they will not even really come here, and the palace will be empty. then this palace became state property, but the first world war began. here, during the first world war , the palace was looted and partially destroyed. then the soviet-polish war begins, as a result of which the kosovo land falls into the possession of the polish republic and here in the palace at that time an agricultural school was opened, in which gardeners were trained to be beekeepers, and the kosovo commune will be located here. unfortunately, the further development of the palace was again interrupted by the war, and here in 1944, as a result of a severe fire, the palace, the tdu kosciuszka estate, and the park burned down. in